Monday, February 04, 2008

Vitamin C

This week I am thankful for Vitamin C. I have been sick, real sick since Thursday. When I went to the Dr on Friday they said, it sure looks like strep, I guess we will wait until next week when the test comes back and if it comes back positive we will give you some antibiotics. Oh and by the way, go home and look at your throat in the mirror because that is exactly what strep looks like.
Well, without the benefit of an antibiotic I have been attacking my illness with Vitamin C round the clock and I am feeling only half as bad as I did on Friday. I have used Vitamin C many times to help ward off a cold and now I firmly believe it is the only thing keeping me upright.


Mandee said...

I could use a little Vitamin C this morning. I thought I had escpaped the winter cold...but this morning my head and body are telling me a completely different story.

Emma Jo said...

and don't forget to gargle with the Listerine! I hope that you are truly feeling better soon, thanks for the phone call, it made me feel better!