Monday, November 03, 2008

Gratitude Weekly - Jay is really home

How many weeks am I allowed to be grateful that Jay is home? This weekend he is really home. His ship has been in port for 15 days, but his leave didn't start until after work on Halloween night. During those days he was only off the ship for a full 24 hours 1 time and he had five 24 hour duty days. Now he is all ours for 12 days. We are so excited to have him home all day and all night. I have a long list of things that I had hoped to accomplish, but Jay has other plans.
Friday night after trick or treating I took Jay to the urgent care center to get an xray of his foot and he has a broken foot. We don't really know how badly it is broken, but their are bone chips floating around and he has to stay off of it in a temporary cast until Wednesday when he will go see an orthopedic person. See how resourceful my husband is.
You might ask what in the world he did, well, ultimately he broke it spending quality time with his son. Alex asked Jay to play football with him and some boys from church and first play of the game Jay got hurt. He continued to play for the next hour and then worked on it injured for three full days before getting a doctor to look at the foot. He tried to get the ship doctor to x-ray it, but was denied (that is a whole other story, not so pretty. Just trust us when we say we don't want the government in charge of our health care.) Now we get to spend quiet time that involves Jay sitting for the next few days of his leave. Luckily all I really need right now to make me happy is to be in the same room with my love. I am so so so grateful for every minute we get to spend together.

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