Monday, November 19, 2007

In Sickness and In Health

Jay has been able to come home and join us every weekend since we left him in Rhode Island at the end of the summer. We have been having a wonderful time. We work hard most of Saturday and watch a movie and football Saturday night. Then Sunday he plays games with the children and lets me have a bit of alone time with my pillow. It really has been good. Since last weekend had an extra day for Veteran's Day and next weekend is a long weekend for Thanksgiving, Jay didn't come home this weekend. We did well without him, no tears since he will be here Wednesday night. Last night, I was working hard on the laundry and had just told the big kids to go to bed when at 9:15 what should I hear but the sounds of throwing up. Nathan was doing the projectile thing big time. I won't go into details because that is just gross, but I will say that this is why children should be raised with two parents. There are other good reasons besides sickness, but that one right there seems good enough for me. One parent can't clean the child, comfort the child, rock and sooth the child and do the laundry at the same time. By the way, my washer takes 52 minutes to do a super duty wash and 2nd rinse. I have timed it now. We made it through and I received lots of good snuggles from the sick baby who still isn't feeling great. I just couldn't believe of all the weekends Jay missed this one. He was very sympathetic over the phone though.

1 comment:

Emma Jo said...

Oh Susan, how I feel for you...I need to call you. I have a feeling crying of loneliness wouldn't be wasted on someone with so much experience. I just cleaned up throw up yesterday, not nearly as messy as yours sounds. I am so so so sorry. Child barf is the worst, ever, hands down. We miss you guys!