Thursday, December 13, 2007

Nothing to Blog About

I was trying to keep my blog more current, but I can't find anything to blog about. I feel a little like a hamster in wheel going round and round everyday. I could say that we need more pencils in the house at homework time even though during the rest of the day there are plenty. I could tell you that each of my children would have been great only children with the amount of things each one has to do each day and the way they blossom when given undivided attention. I don't even have the attachment on my camera to add picture to my blog right now. I think my husband took it with him. It was almost 80 degrees here today and my baby wore shorts in December. In two days it will be cold again. Not much to report, but I am reporting it anyway.

1 comment:

Emma Jo said...

So true and poignant.