Sunday, March 04, 2012

Weeks 6, 7, 8, 9, & 10

February was a tough month.  Right after starting school Nathan got sick and stayed sick forever.  The children even had a week long break and poor child got better and then worse before the week was over.  So in light of the difficult February, I am going to look back a try to highlight the ups in the month.

Week 6 - Thankful for space heaters to help warm up cold rooms and keep little sick ones warmer in a very cold Victorian house.  Thankful also for said Victorian house, which though cold is a wonderful place to live.

Week 7 - Thankful to have found a wonderful hair salon and hair stylist.  Looking good again.

Week 8 - Thankful for England's idea of long breaks.  The school year is three terms.  Each term has a half term break that is a week long.  We were mostly sick during the break, in fact at the start of break I had 3 that were too sick to leave the house.  But Jay took off the afternoons and managed to help the children, who were well enough, to enjoy their break.  No big exciting trips during this break, but very restful week.  We did as a family go to the theatre a couple of blocks away to see the play Annie.  Thankful to live in a place that is so easy to enjoy the Arts.

Week 9 - Thankful for great friends here in England.  We celebrated Fat Tuesday with local Navy friends.  The Navy here in Portsmouth is like an extended family.  Even when we can't get together we know that someone is there supporting us.  It is always wonderful to get together.

Week 10 - Thankful for Heath and Normalcy.  Jay will be traveling for work during the upcoming weeks.  Thankfully the children are all well.  Last week Nathan went to school well for the entire week.  Finally!  We have figured out our insurance and if we need to, can now go to the doctor.  That's a relief.  With Jay traveling we really notice his absence.  We recognize that life doesn't run picture perfect without him around and we don't live up to our best without him here, but we do know how to do this crazy life of transient dad and are so grateful when he come home.  

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