Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Thankful - Sailing Home For Christmas

I find that I am not being properly appreciative this holiday season and I want to rectify that. At this time of year many times I am without a husband. He has only missed one actual Christmas, but he is usually out to sea during December. I spend this time listening to songs that remind me that he is coming home soon and one song in particular that reminds me how there are those who are missing their Christmas with family. I am so very, very grateful for the people serving our country day in and day out. I am grateful to those who are deployed right now so that my husband is able to be home. I am proud to be numbered with people who chose this lifestyle even though just thinking about those families makes me teary eyed. I hope that our military feel our prayers and thankfulness and that they and their families are blessed this holiday season.

Here is my favorite non-traditional Christmas song.

1 comment:

Emma Jo said...

It very nearly brings tears to my eyes thinking about all those things too. There are certain songs that remind me so strongly of deployment that they are hard to listen to, and some of them DO make me cry. I am so grateful that you have your husband home, have a very Merry Christmas!