I neglected to mention on Jay’s homecoming that he came home a whole day early. That left us with a day that had been blank on the calendar that we could fill. My parents always say that if I can fit it in the calendar square I think I can do it. Well, we decided to celebrate Sarah and Alex’s birthdays. Both fell in June and last year both had sorry birthdays due to their dad leaving. This time it wasn’t looking any better because the calendar was so full. We sent out email invites to Chuck E Cheese for the day
On the second day after Jay got home we had Spencer’s baptism. That was wonderful for him. He had asked Grandpa to speak at his baptism and even though it wasn’t the most convenient thing for Grandpa to do, he came. It meant so much to Spencer who really hates living so far from Grandma and Grandpa.
We ran late to the baptism, but considering it was just our family and friends it turned out okay. Our friend Ken gave a talk on baptism that involved car keys. Spencer was really impressed by it. Then Jay baptized Spencer. Grandpa gave a talk on the Holy Ghost and compared it to an imaginary friend which Spencer could totally relate to. Then Spencer was confirmed. We forgot our camera and so we don’t have any pictures to document. Spencer’s friend Nathan from school came. Grandmama, Granddaddy, Mr. Mike and Miss Mary Sue were also there. Our best friends from church were there along with all of Ken’s family too. What a special two days!
How nice to have Jay home! I just still can't believe that Spencer is old enough to be baptized. It is kind of like imagining the Kunzler girls old enough to be in young women's, well at least Jessica. Seems impossible.
YOUNG WOMEN'S!!! They were so little. True they were my children's ages, but I can't imagine. I guess if mine have grown up so have everyones.
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