Saturday, August 04, 2007

All is quiet

Inside my house all is quiet. Not a sound, not even snoring. Everyone is asleep, even my husband who is waiting to use the computer and has fallen asleep on the sofa.
But outside my house life is a party. Cars are going past steadily, horns honk randomly, someone is reviving an engine and the other people with him think it is really funny. Several different groups of people are gathered around on the porches and roofs visiting. It is clearly a Friday night and because we don't have air conditioning we are hearing it all. Such a contrast between inside the house and outside.
But the house is cute and in a fun location and it is only for a month so I'm not complaining.


Emma Jo said...

Hooray!! Back from the world of dead-blogging-dom. I am so very pleased. Thanks for showing us a good time. I wish you were around for longer. We like you guys, a whole lot.

Emma Jo said...

And quiet time is the best. I sure wish we were having's 10:30 and I'm all too aware of where my children are (2 asleep and one on my husband's lap...the little stinker.)