Sunday, March 06, 2011

Hop On the Roller Coaster - We Are Going For a Ride

Hop on, sit down, hold on tight we are starting the ride again. It's a roller coaster ride being a military family. For the last 4 summers we have wondered whether or not to get a pool membership at the neighborhood pool because there is a large stock buy in and we didn't know if we would be here the next year or not. We have been living in Virginia since summer of 2006 and every year there has been a possibility of a move. In 2008 we were headed to Japan to the point of selling a bunch of furniture and giving our dog to another family, just to have the move cancelled less than 48 hours before the movers arrived. This year I told a friend that I was pretty certain that for the first time I could guarantee that we would be staying in Virginia for a few years. Jay will be leaving his ship for in August and returning to a job not based on a ship. We were expecting a job in this general area. He chose several jobs here in Hampton Roads, but kind of as a joke he threw in England because it was more like a dream than anything.

Well England it is. The Navy has told us to prepare to move to Portsmouth, UK in September. The Navy has told us what we need to do, but to be prepared that we still might not move to England because we don't have official orders and we can't expect them until June or July.

Mixed emotions flow in the household. Jay, Spencer and I are excited. Alex is looking on the bright side. Sarah is nervous and not sure if she can be happy about it yet. Nathan wants to ride a train, a double decker bus and see Thomas the Tank Engine, but has no clue, what's happening.

It could all change in an instant, but for now we are preparing to move to England. More to come. . .


Kristin said...

wow, that's awesome. I hope the orders come thorugh and ya'll are able to go. What a great experience that will be!

James and Megan said...

That is so awesome Suebee! England? For real that is going to be an amazing experience.

Emma Jo said...

Yeah!!! So exciting. So so exciting!!